Course: Computer Science


Computer Science

O-LEVEL Computer Science Lesson


AS-LEVEL Computer Science Lesson -PLAN


A-LEVEL Computer Science Lesson -PLAN

Text lesson

A-LEVEL Computer Science Lesson -PLAN

Beacon Excellence Academy
A-Level (2023-2024)

Course Outline:  Computer Science


Title Edition Authors Name Year
Software Dev C++, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft SQL etc.
Notes Will be provided in Class
                                 Course Session (July – December)                                      
Month Week No. Topic
July W1. Information representation
W2. Multimedia
W3. Communication
W4. Networks including the internet
August W1. Hardware and software
W2. Logic gates and logic circuits
W3. Processor fundamentals
W4. System software
September W1. Language translator
W2. Security
W3. Privacy
W4. Data integrity
October W1. Ethics and ownership
W2. Databases
W3. Algorithm design and problem solving
W4. Computational thinking skills
November W1. Data types and structures
W2. Data types and records, arrays
W3. Introduction to Abstract Data Types (ADT)
W4. Programming Basics
December W1. Structured Programming
W2. Control Structures
W3. Program development life cycle
W4. Program Testing and Maintenance
Beacon Excellence Academy
A-Level (2023-2024)
Course Outline:  Computer Science
Revision Session (January – February)
Month Week No. Topic
January W1. Information representation Multimedia Communication
W2. Networks including the internet Hardware and software
Logic gates and logic circuits
W3. Processor fundamentals System software Language translator
W4. Security Privacy
Data integrity
February W1. Ethics and ownership Databases
Algorithm design and problem solving
W2. Computational thinking skills Data types and structures Data types and records, arrays
W3. Introduction to Abstract Data Types (ADT) Programming
Structured Programming Control Structures
W4. Program development life cycle Program Testing and Maintenance
Past Papers Session (March – April)
Month Week No. Topic
March W1. We will provide and prepared past papers.
April W1. Mock Paper Session in this Month.
Beacon Excellence Academy
A-Level (2023-2024)
Course Outline:  Computer Science
Book Title Edition Authors Name Year
Software Dev C++, Visual Studio Code, Microsoft SQL etc.
Notes Will be provided in Class
                                 Course Session (July – December)                                      
Month Week No. Topic
July W1. Data Representation
W2. User-defined data types
W3. Floating-point numbers, representation and manipulation
W4. Communication and internet technologies
August W1. Protocols
W2. Circuit switching, packet switching
W3. Hardware and Virtual Machines
W4. Processers, Parallel Processing and Virtual Machines
September W1. Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits
W2. System Software
W3. Purposes of an Operating System (OS)
W4. Translation Software
October W1. Security
W2. Encryption, Encryption Protocols and Digital certificates
W3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
W4. Computational thinking and problem solving
November W1. Algorithms
W2. Recursion
W3. Further Programming like OOP
W4. Programming Paradigms
December W1. Classes & Objects
W2. OOP Pillars
W3. File Handling in OOP
W4. File Processing and Exception Handling
Beacon Excellence Academy
A-Level (2023-2024)
Course Outline:  Computer Science
Revision Session (January – February)
Month Week No. Topic
January W1. Data Representation User-defined data types
W2. Floating-point numbers, representation and manipulation Communication and internet technologies
W3. Circuit switching, packet switching Hardware and Virtual Machines
W4. Processers, Parallel Processing and Virtual Machines Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits
February W1. System Software
Purposes of an Operating System (OS) Translation Software
W2. Security
Encryption, Encryption Protocols and Digital certificates Artificial Intelligence (AI)
W3. Computational thinking and problem solving Algorithms
W4. Further Programming Like OOP Programming Paradigms Classes & Objects
OOP Pillars
File Handling in OOP
File Processing and Exception Handling
Past Papers Session (March – April)
Month Week No. Topic
March W1. We will provide and prepared past papers.
April W1. Mock Paper Session in this Month.